Providing educational opportunities and sharing for professionals on how to integrate goal-oriented and ethically aligned therapy approaches with animal-assisted intervention techniques (therapy/activities/education).
To enhance local professionals' understanding of animal-assisted therapy and improve quality, HKAATA organizes workshops on different themes annually. International speakers are also invited to provide a broader perspective and knowledge.
HKAATA is an alliance partner of the Professional Animal-Assisted Therapy Association (PATA, Taiwan). Every year, quotas are recommended for professionals in Hong Kong interested in and aspiring to animal-assisted therapy to enroll in the "Basic Animal-Assisted Therapy Practitioner Certification Course" offered by PATA in Taiwan. The admission criteria are jointly defined by PATA and HKAATA. Applicants who meet all requirements will be interviewed, and suitable candidates will be recommended. The internship will be arranged and supervised by HKAATA to ensure professional standards and the welfare of animals. The practitioner training includes basic, intermediate, advanced, and senior advanced stages, with an average training duration of two years for the basic level.
The annual course dates, admission criteria, and quotas will be announced on our association's Facebook page. Interested individuals should stay tuned for updates.
With increasing awareness of AAI in Hong Kong, we welcome groups and organizations interested in developing animal-assisted intervention techniques to contact us. Through sharing and exchanging ideas and experiences, we aim to promote higher quality, goal-oriented, and welfare-focused animal-assisted services.